Recently we all have seen Aryan Khan circulating across the news due to his links with some prohibited drug related offenses. Now, the news is not from B-town but from Uttar Pradesh wherein a regional magazine has published that Deepanshu Tiwari who comes from a very powerful and influential families of Uttar Pradesh, has been accused by NCB in a prohibited drug related offense. The magazine also revealed that Tiwari’s friend named Mukul Agarwal has already been arrested by the officials and NCB can serve summons to some more people including Tiwari’s Jaipur based girlfriend named Anjana. According to some unofficial sources, Tiwari’s girlfriend may be arrested as NCB officials do have some vibrant evidences. Since Tiwari family is involved in this case, hence, we are investigating this case under an immense pressure, said an official when asked about the progress of this case